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501 Writer's Useful Phrases
So, what happens when you get to page 25 and you fall unexpectedly upon that one single sentence; one that simply does not look right; somehow inhibits the pace of a fast flowing chapter and does not describe accurately how your character looked or felt? You may be one of those fortunate writers who can simply knock the words out, get them down on the page and after a morning of recording a score of 2,000, relax over lunch and a large glass of Chardonnay. However, you may be one of those poor unfortunates who strive over every sentence, knowing well what you want to write, but reluctantly unable to find the precise little phrase to exactly describe the moment. Have no fear, help is at hand with the 60 page essential companion, 501 Writers Useful Phrases. Click through on the Amazon link to see inside. You won't be dissappointed.!
501 MORE Writer's Useful Phrases
MORE of a Good Thing - As we advised in the original '501 Writers Useful Phrases', you may be one of those fortunate and gifted writers who can simply knock the words out, get them down on paper, and after a morning recording a personal score of several thousand words, relax over a satisfying low calorie lunch … and a large glass of even lower calorie Chardonnay. No fight with the wife, husband or kids involved … just simple, straightforward … bliss! But hold on one goddamn minute! What if you are one of those poor, continuously striving writers who simply bleed to death over every sentence, knowing well what you want to write, but reluctantly unable to find that precise little phrase … to exactly describe the moment. Good news … this is the book for you! As we have said before, this second edition of the 'Writers Useful Phrases' is not the complete answer to a 'writer's prayer', but it is a great second line reference book of phrases you can use every day in your writing journey.
501 Writer's One-Liners This book of One-Liners is the third in the '501' series. It contains a selection of one line thoughts and ponderings, many of which are amusing and some of which are profound. This offering is aimed mainly at writers and authors as a reminder pad of situations and observations seen through the eyes of someone with a sense of humor, or someone who has taken the trouble to actually sit on that mountain peak … somewhere, and think! The format is similar to '501 Writers Useful Phrases' and '501 More Writers Useful Phrases' in that the content is divided into ten sections with 50 'one liners' in each section and 51 in the final section. If this little book does nothing more than bring a smile to your face at three o'clock in the morning, slaving tirelessly over the ending of Chapter Four, after a full day of looking after the kids or holding down a high pressure job for ten hours, then it will have been worth it. However, if only one of the offerings within these pages jogs a memory button, allowing you to construct that searched for finished phrase, then this can only be considered a bonus.
The Writer's Useful Compendium This compendium of phrases and one-liner’s is a collection of the highly successful ‘501 Writers’ series of books including ‘501 Writers Useful Phrases, 501 More Writers Useful Phrases and 501 Writers One-Liner’s. Owning the Compendium in paperback or as an EBook is much better value than buying the three books individually and as part of this particular collection, a bonus of 50 mixed phrases and one-liner’s have been added. Each section shown in the ‘Useful Phrases’ index contains 100 entries, except for the bonus 50, and the ‘One-Liner’s’ complete subject section contains a total of 500 entries. This most ‘useful’, value for money volume of over 185 pages is a ‘must have’ on the shelf for fiction and non-fiction writers, speakers and speech writers, students at all levels, wordsmiths and journalists and all those just interested in ‘words’! Each indexed section, 1 to 21, includes a descriptive heading advising the reader about general content.
101 Fiction Writing Tips HELP is at hand - Fiction writing is thought by many would be authors to be the most popular published genre and therefore perhaps the best to be aiming at when considering a writing career. This book is not confirmation of such a thought and neither does it offer any form of guarantee to you as a potential author. What is does provide however, is a list of 101 tips of advice and reference to the writer who simply wants' to 'get on with the job!' These offerings are provided from personal experience of both the self-publishing and traditional publishing routes. They are collected together in this short book format with the sole aim of supplying you, the potential writer of fantastic fiction, with a series of easy to absorb statements and explanations written in a language that is uncomplicated and to the point. Hopefully, some or much of it will afford you the help and assistance you may be looking for and therefore energize you in the pursuit of your writing projects. Good Luck ….
101 Writer's Short Blurb Examples With a limited amount of space available on a web page and with only a 'thumbnail' size image to wet your potential reader's appetite, the 'short blurb' of up to 100 words becomes more and more important in the process of promoting your work as a writer. It's now recognized as part of the smart marketing process, inviting a browsing reader to delve more into your Web link, eventually opening up your book … and reading the first few pages. Some fortunate individuals, along with many traditionally published authors, will have professionals employed to write 'blurb' for them, but the rest of us simply have to buckle down and get on with what is considered by many to be one of the most difficult processes of being a self-published writer. So, this little book will hopefully provide you with some useful assistance along the way by offering up 101 actual 'blurbs' written in short form and containing no more than 100 words. They are loosely edited into ten different subject headings, or writer's genre, with ten examples under each heading, except for the last one, where there are eleven. After each example, a further distillation of the same subject matter is provided, defined widely with a certain amount of writer's license, as a 'Single Sentence' … and both containing a word count as a confirmation of size.
A Novel Idea So, you want to be a writer! Not a problem; but if you want to be a successful writer you may very well risk having a quick look at this book first. The new updated edition of this little gem provides the aspiring author with a no nonsense approach to the process of becoming not only a writer but being a successful one. This is not a writer’s ‘could do’ book, this is a determined writer’s ‘can do’ book! From the very outset you will be challenged in the way you think about the whole writing process and then getting your work published. You will find invaluable hints and tips here, especially if you are just starting out on the ‘Journey’. You will be taken, step by step, through the route to traditional publishing and the alternative on-line self-publishing process with Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). This is the successful writer’s essential reference tool that will sit comfortably alongside the dictionary and thesaurus.
DIY Publishing Do you want to move a step up from ambitious writer to published author in three, no frills, easy to understand steps? Well, this is the book for you! DIY Publishing is an excellent overview blueprint for any hopeful or aspiring author. It is especially relevant to one wishing to publish their first or second book, navigating all the options along the way with the confidence that only certain knowledge can bring. As a new writer looking to take the next step, you will benefit from a bird's-eye view of the unique world of publishing this book provides. The whole of this unnecessarily secretive industry has been going through a major revolution over the past ten years, and thankfully, all is not now as it was. However, designed to make the path to publishing a little rockier than it should be are a new breed of literary entrepreneur. They offer the unsuspecting author their ‘writing services’ with many now recognised as ‘vanity’ publishers, ‘hybrid’ publishers, ‘contributory’ publishers and ‘partnership’ publishers. We look at these in some detail. |